Highest Awards
Highest Awards — Bronze, Silver, and Gold — are among the top honors which Girl Scouts can earn. These awards are given for projects undertaken to solve a problem or address a need in a Scout’s local community in a sustainable, long-lasting manner, with the potential for a national connection.
Girl Scouts are encouraged to reach out to community members to get them involved and get their assistance in executing their projects.
Bronze Award: For Juniors (4th and 5th grades). May be done as an entire troop. Each Scout must perform a minimum of 20 (twenty) hours of work on the project.
GSUSA Bronze requirements page
GSHNJ Bronze page with all paperwork and Submission Form link
Silver Award: For Cadettes (6th, 7th, and 8th grades). May be done with 1 to 4 girls. Each Scout must perform a minimum of 50 (fifty) hours of work on the project.
GSUSA Silver requirements page
GSHNJ Silver page with all paperwork and Submission Form link
Gold Award: For Seniors or Ambassadors (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades). Individual project. The Scout must perform a minimum of 80 (eighty) hours of work on the project.
GSHNJ Gold page with all paperwork and Submission Form link
Every Scout undertaking a high award must complete at least one Journey at her level, and a Take Action project.
Troop Leaders are required to watch the appropriate Award-Level Training module on gsLearn.
The Troop Leader or Project Advisor must fill out an Endorsement Form for all the Scouts who are submitting.
When the project is completed, Scouts will need to fill out a GSHNJ form. Scouts will have to submit a log of hours, a log of expenses (including donations and the source for the funds spent), and photos taken during the project process. There are additional requirements for Gold Awards, which are available on the GSHNJ Gold Award page.
There are specific rules about financing Award projects, which are available on the GSHNJ sites.
Silver and Gold Awards must have a proposal plan approved by Council before the project starts. (This is a new requirement for Silver Awards starting this year.)
Scouts looking to earn a Gold Award must complete the Gold Award tutorial.
The deadline for an Award is September 30 of the last qualifying grade year. (So the September 30 of the same year she finishes 5th, 8th, or 12th grade.)