T-Shirt Design Contest
Design the 2025 Camporee Shirt!
Theme: Grimms’ Fairy Tales
1. Contestant must be a registered Girl Scout who is attending the 2025 SU93 Camporee. New this year: Contestant may be from any Service Unit. Girls only, please.
2. One entry per person.
3. Entry must have the Girl Scout’s name, troop number, Service Unit, a contact email, and a phone number included.
4. Artwork must be black and white. No colors. No gray shading.
5. Artwork can be hand-drawn or digital, but must be original. No clip art. No photos. Nothing AI-generated.
6. Artwork must be a MINIMUM SIZE of 8 inches by 10 inches, vertical or horizontal. Bigger is encouraged.
7. Artwork must contain these words:
Grimms’ Fairy Tales
8. Artwork must have the Girl Scouts trefoil somewhere in the design.
9. Artwork must be received by Idria Knecht at imbknecht@gmail.com or in person at 516 Route 173, Bloomsbury by 9:00 p.m. Eastern time on Saturday, February 15.
10. Images of the artwork will be posted on the SU93 website, starvalleysu93.com, for voting.
Voting will take place from Sunday, February 16 through Friday, February 21 via Google Form.
Voters must be registered Girl Scouts from any Service Unit. Girls and adults may vote, but one vote per person, please.
Cheating will result in disqualification. Be honest and fair.
11. Winner will be announced on Saturday, February 22. Winner will receive one T-shirt in the size of her choice with the winning design.
Grimms’ Fairy Tales summary on Wikipedia • All the Fairy Tales
Examples of previous designs