Service Unit 93 is unique: We are girl-led.
Our service unit events are conceived, designed, hosted, and carried out by a group of Girl Scouts called the Girl Panel. Camporee? The Girl Panel picks the location. World Thinking Day? The Girl Panel decides what country. Derby? The theme is chosen by the Girl Panel.
And the Girl Panel needs you! Any Girl Scout, any age, from Daisy to Ambassador, is encouraged to join. We need your opinions, your voice, and your energy. This is your service unit — you should be part of leading it.
Are there events you want to attend? Badges you want to earn? Community service you think we should do? Join Girl Panel and make it happen! We usually meet about once a month for two hours, and then more often as events come up. Particularly now when the pandemic is making it hard to find fun things to do which are safe, we need your ideas.
Interested? Want to learn more? Email gssu93@gmail.com and let’s talk!